2024-2025 Mini-Research Grants
June 2024
Student: Isabella Locicero
Mentor: Dr. Jeff Nagel
Department: Political Science
Title: Alternative Models to the Writ of Certortiari
Funding: Software for legal research.
Student: Felise Bressler
Mentor: Rico Garza
Department: McNair Scholar/University Scholar
Title: Weill-Cornell ACCESS Summer Research Program/Leadership Alliance National Symposium
Funding: Travel to internship.
August 2024
Student: Theodor Spencer
Mentor: Dr. Julia Chan
Department: Chemistry
Title: Specialized Crystal Growth using Flux Growth Synthesis
Funding: Reagents and supplies
Student: Connor Young
Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Clinger
Department: Chemistry
Title: SAMT as a Model System for Mutations of the Methyltransferase Family
Funding: Research Assistant
Student: Emily Bohmer
Mentor: Dr. Kelly Hollingsworth
Department: Choral Music Education
Title: Research studies on vocal health for singers
Funding: Research Assistant
Student: Andrew Hamara
Mentor: Dr. Pablo Rivas
Department: Computer Science
Title: Using artificial intelligence to locate instances of human trafficking and stolen auto parts in online
marketplaces and social forums
Funding: Conference travel
Student: Miranda Steihl
Mentor: Dr. Sarah Schnitker
Department: Psychology
Title: Investigating religion and spirituality associate with moral self-discrepancy, and how moral self-discrepancy associates with mental illness symptoms.
Funding: Conference travel
Student: Aatiqah Hussain
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Kwon
Department: Public Health
Title: Investigations in the moderating effects of primary caregiver closeness on the relationship between parenting behaviors and youth aggressive behaviors.
Funding: Conference travel
Student: Kate Pogue
Mentor: Dr. Samuel Urlacher
Department: Public Health; Statistics
Title: Estimating nutritional intake and the impact of market integration on child nutritional adequacy among the Indigenous Shuar of Ecuador.
Funding: Conference travel
Student: Aaliyah Carter
Mentor: Dr. David Jortner
Department: McNair Scholar/Theatre Performance
Title: Archival research on the Federal Theatre Project: A New Deal program intended to fund artists; Additional research on the Negro Project and the role of the NAACP
Funding: Travel to Archives
Student: Hannah Yi
Mentor: Dr. Devan Stahl
Department: University Scholar; Philosophy, Medical Humanities, Religion, and Biology
Title: Landmark bioethics cases that emphasized the indispensability of bioethics and bioethicists in healthcare, medicine, and society at large
Funding: Research Assistant
October 2024
Student: Alexia Martinez
Mentor: Dr. Victor Hinojosa
Department: Political Science
Title: Landmark bioethics cases that emphasized the indispensability of bioethics and bioethicists in healthcare, medicine, and society at large
Funding: Research Assistant
Student: Aron Basurto
Mentor: Dr. Devan Stahl
Department: Medical Humanities
Title: Assisting with research on bioethics cases for upcoming episodes as well as creating summaries for past episodes and linking past episodes to current topics in healthcare, medicine, and society at large
Funding: Research Assistant
Student: Berkely Ponce
Mentor: Dr. Patrick Flavin
Department: McNair Scholar/Political Science
Title: The effects of social media on political polarization in the United States
Funding: Conference Travel
Student: Madeline Bowen
Mentor: Dr. Kelly Hollingsworth
Department: Music Education- Choral Track
Title: Explorations on burnout among music education majors at Baylor University, focusing on deficits in the seven types of rest and their impact on educators
Funding: Research Assistant
Student: Nevaeh Martinez
Mentor: Rico Garza
Department: McNair Scholar/Psychology
Title: A positive framework for representing underrepresented populations
Funding: Conference Travel
Student: Jaslyn Van Lenten
Mentor: Rico Garza
Department: McNair Scholar/Psychology
Title: Beetroot juice, its dietary nitric oxide property and relation to blood pressure and stress
Funding: Conference Travel
Student: Avery Kaye
Mentor: Dr. Rich Sanker, Dr. Ronca (BCM)
Department: Biology of Global Health
Title: DENV sequencing platform to apply in low-resource settings
Funding: Conference Travel
Student: Felicity Gentry
Mentor: Dr.Jennings Sheffield
Department: ART 2336
Title: Exploring concepts and ideas photographically through lens-based media
Funding: Conference Travel
Student: Carissa Fong
Mentor: Dr. Mary Lauren Benton
Department: McNair Scholar/Bioinformtics
Title: Predicting the value of a cancer prognostic biomarker using a machine learning model
Funding: Conference Travel
Student: Ashley Lillian
Mentor: Dr. Genaro Solis Rivera
Department: Studio Art-Graphic Design
Title: Portfolio Review at the National Student Show and Conference
Funding: Conference Travel