Student Research Opportunities in History
Below you will find a listing of all available research opportunities in History. Please use the contact information listed in each posting for further information regarding the research
Dr. Ricardo Alvarez-Pimentel
Religion (Catholicism) and History (Mexico, U.S.-Latin America, 20th century)
My research covers diverse themes and topics. These include race; gender; revolutions and authoritarian politics; fascism; and the global Cold War.
I am currently pursuing a couple of research projects relating to the history of Catholic Mexico (20th century) and U.S.-Latin American relations. I am seeking a student researcher with intermediate-to-advanced reading proficiency in the Spanish language to help me with my work. One of these projects involves working directly with English-language archival manuscript collections here at Baylor University. Another project entails working with Spanish-language digital collections from Mexico and searching through online databases to find relevant materials.
Student researchers will have an opportunity to learn about the historical research process and receive a recommendation letter from me upon the successful completion of tasks.
Pre-requisites: Intermediate-to-advanced reading proficiency in Spanish highly encouraged
Begin date: ongoing
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R
Contact Information: ricardo_alvarez@baylor.edu
Jeffrey Hamilton
My research focuses primarily on the political history of 13th- and 14th-century England. My longer term research goal continues to be a political biography of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln (d. 1311)
Recommended Pre-requisites:
Begin date: ongoing
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R
Contact Information: Jeffrey_Hamilton@baylor.edu
Bracy Hill II
Religion, history, and classics
My research covers diverse topics, from the theology of medieval Lollards to British dissenting historians of the eighteen century to the intersections of sports, hunting, and religion in American history.
Recommended Pre-requisites:
Begin date: ongoing
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R
Contact Information: Bracy_Hill@baylor.edu
Steven Jug
History and gender
Recommended Pre-requisites:
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R, SEES 2381 and AST 2380
Begin Date: ongoing
Contact Information: Steven_Jug@baylor.edu
Stephen Sloan
My diverse projects as an oral historian allows me to research and write as a generalist in recent US history. I also administer the HIS3300: Internship in History for the Department, the prerequisite for that Internship is HIS3301: Methods in Oral and Public History. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.baylor.edu/oralhistory/index.php?id=931757
Recommended Pre-requisites:
Begin date: ongoing
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R
Contact Information: Stephen_Sloan@baylor.edu
Daniel J. Watkins
History and Digital Humanities
My research focuses on Catholic missionary letters from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. I am building a digital research portal that indexes published missionary letters, maps their locations of origin, and provides contextual information on the missionaries that wrote them. Students will help locate source materials, construct metadata, research individual missionaries, and build the website for the research portal.
No special language training is required, but I do recommend that students have some facility with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software and knowledge of basic historical research skills.
Recommended pre-requisites: HIS 2395 and DH 2300
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R
Begin Date: ongoing
Contact Information: Daniel_Watkins@Baylor.edu
David Whitford
Historical Studies, Reformation
My research and writing focuses on the social, cultural, and political impact of the European Reformations of the sixteenth century.
Recommended Pre-requisites:
Course Credit Offered: HIS 1V9R/2V9R/3V9R/4V9R
Begin Date: ongoing
Contact Information: David_Whitford@baylor.edu