Texas Academy of Science 2025 Annual Meeting 2/28-3/1 WACO TEXAS
The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science will be in Waco! This is a great opportunity for undergrads (and grads!) to make presentations – posters and orals in ALL disciplines.
Abstracts are due soon (current deadline is 11/15) - https://txas.memberclicks.net/2025-meeting. This is a great opportunity to show off your research, your Department, and BAYLOR.
- Abstracts are due soon! https://www.texasacademyofscience.org/2025-meeting#abstractsub
- Student registration is only $75
- Cash awards are presented to both Graduate and Undergraduates. Grad students can also apply for funding for research proposals – a great CV builder. https://www.texasacademyofscience.org/graduate-academy